Products Management
- Products can be defined in hierarchy – Product Groups -> Product -> Product Packaging
- Elaborate product specification configuration option such that you can configure virtually product under the sun.
- Configure all Characteristics that you want to track for your products, like Physical, Chemical, Visual, Organic, etc.
- Add any number of Specifications under each Characteristic.
- Define specific values in various ways – absolute, range, min, max, text
- Refer to your product with any number of Codes like SKU, customer code, hsn code, etc.
- Measure product in any number of alternate units. Provide conversion factor for unit so automatically product quantity can be displayed in different units
- Group similar products into Groups such that inventory can be examined at higher levels. For example, how many potatoes remaining, regardless of quality
- Define any number of Packaging's for a product. Assign gross and net weight for unit of packaged product.
- Define individual ledger for each product to track stock value
- Categorized into Vendors, Customers, Service Providers
- Create any number of companies
- Create any number of premises for each company
- Assign Industry to each company and see industry specific features light up
- Configure default currency per company
- Service providers like Bank, Logistics, etc carry special status.
- Common toolbar in all reports and forms
- Consistent placement of toolbar elements for ease of work
- Dynamic content in elements, relevant to the form / report
User & Role Management
- Create any number of users
- Default roles available for Company Admin, Company User, Company Operator, Accountant. More roles can be added easily per your business needs.
- Assign default premise to the user – premise specific actions will automatically pick up premise from logged-in user.
- Assign Industry to each company and see industry specific features light up
Licenses & Registrations
- Configure applicable licenses and registrations.
- Configure licenses that carry claimable rewards, like exports allowances, etc.
- Assign license / registration number for any license/registration to any company.
- Assign license claimed for a consignment.
- Add acquisition date, expiration date and status to licenses to track active and inactive licenses.
- Everything is an artifact – a sales order is an artifact, so is invoice and is an accounting entry
- Common logic to generate serial numbers in the system
- Applicable to all forms and documents, like quotations, orders, consignments, invoices, accounting entries, etc.
- Single place and consistent way to configure numbering scheme for anything noteworthy
- Series – one or more series can be added. Multiple series available in drop down to pick from
- Reporting period – automatically append to series
- Mode – automatic, manual, hybrid
Vehicle Management
- Record vehicle registration details like type of vehicle, registration / license plate number, chassis number, registration expiration date
- Record any type of vehicle based on different transportation modes – vessel, aircraft, truck, etc.
Driver Management
- First name, last name of driver
- Record Adhar card, pan card, license number of drivers
Contract Terms
- Standard and custom delivery terms
- Custom payment terms
- Validity duration for delivery contract