September 22, 2021
Accounting Allow multiple line-items for same product but different rates in an Order or Consignment Bugfixes Lock manual edit for system generated accounting entriesUI enhancements for consistent look and feel
Accounting Allow multiple line-items for same product but different rates in an Order or Consignment Bugfixes Lock manual edit for system generated accounting entriesUI enhancements for consistent look and feel
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Source and Sink Chunk Validations Display sink and source chunk quantity and cost validation for selected product.Run validations, and highlight incorrect dataAllows to fix specific row, or…
Vouchers Record Completion Enforcement Mark documents that are mandatory for each voucher typeUse workflow action to check completion of mandatory document. The check can be used to guard change in…
Vouchers Configuration Override default configuration of system defined voucher types to suit your needs Tax assignment Consignments auto-populate taxes configured with OrdersMake adjustments to tax rates within consignment to diverge…
Letter of Credit Integration with Accounting Create dedicated ledger for each LC automatically upon creation of LC VoucherTrack all costs related to LC within this ledger Accounting Entries Enhanced experience…
Vouchers Freeze Voucher Freeze and unfreeze any voucher during voucher processingBased the action within workflow state changes to automatically lock vouchersOnce frozen, voucher will not be editable until un-frozen Reports…
Voucher Validations Validate cumulative quantity in consignment to be less than or equal to total quantity in OrderPerform similar validation for returned quantity - it must be less than or…
Voucher Model Centric Actions System exposed Custom Actions control voucher lifecycleConfigure actions in workflow during state change for better controlOut of the box - Commit, Un-Comit, Open and Close actions…
Diagnostics, Troubleshooting and Tooling Inventory Chunks Refresh Inventory chunks store discrete information about allotment of inventory from purchase to saleRefresh the allotment as needed to fix inventory assignment to sale…
Document Management DMS for Vehicles Manage your Vehicles’ important documents online, safelyAdd images of vehicle, or pdf files of registrations and insurance for quick availability Public / Private Assets Fine…