October 18, 2020

Nagpur went through the Covid peak in past few weeks. Carbonshelf team still managed to crack out yet another release to continue helping you in your endevors. We try to make measured progress in multiple areas and light up broad end-to-end scenarios for you.


Enhanced Multi-Currency Support

  • Greatly simplified managing orders and consignments in mixed-currencies
  • Define default currency for customers and vendors 
  • Orders and consignments automatically respect default currency for transacting party
  • Maintain your custom exchange-rate master table; system will pick default exchange rate
  • Ability to override exchange-rate per Order

Bulk-Edit Ledgers

  • Ease of use results in improved productivity
  • Manage all your ledgers on a single page
  • Update Opening Balances, Name Corrections, for all ledgers right on single page.

State Machine Workflows

Transition Authorization

  • Get total control on who can do what with custom permissions on Workflow Transitions
  • Guard authorization to workflow states like ‘Approve’ with custom permission tag
  • Simply add the permission-tag to all the roles you want to allow this action for
  • Alternatively, define new roles with custom permission-tags


Recipe Versioning

  • Times change, and with it changes the production setup.
  • Clone transformation recipes, keeping the old one for records
  • Club recipes for same target-product together for ease of filtering
  • Keep track of parent-recipe, so you know the evolution and version

Covid has hurt a lot of talented people. We are always looking for smart, energetic and hard-working people for our team. Our focus areas are expanding, and software complexity matching that of any high-end product. We are actively hiring in all areas – development, sales, marketing, customer service. If you know anybody who can add value to our team, please send them our way. Or they may submit resume at resume@pinnove.com